Saturday, 24 March 2012

pastel/neon hair

Last year, I was noticing some people wearing colourful, pastel streaks in their hair in fashion shows and street style photos. I tried to mimic the trend for an editorial shoot, by using blue, pink and purple Halloween hair sprays very lightly (to get a pastel look) on different sections of the models hair. Here is how it turned out (XO Spring/Summer '11 issue, Photographer Kelly Jill, Stylist Coreen Miller, Model Andrea Milner):

Later in the year, I found a video of Kevin Murphy demonstrating how he used pigments rubbed into the hair as is done in India. So I tried this technique on an Indian-inspired shoot a few months ago, using bags of coloured pigment I found in an East Indian shop on the ends of the models hair. (Magpie Darling Magazine, Photographer Matthew Burditt, Stylist Yvadney Davis, Model Tori Quales)

Recently, I was on another shoot, where hairstylist Ala Friesen used Kevin Murphy's colour bug for one of the looks and it works amazingly, without all of the mess. One side is plastic, which you hold on to, and the other side is like a cross between chalk and pressed pigments. It glides on and looks fantastic! (Aroha Silhouettes Campaign, Photographer Kale JF, Model Shereen Alex).

So these are just some of the ways you can easily and inexpensively try this trend with the option of washing it out. I have ombre hair where my ends are bleached out, so I've been finding it quite fun to rub pigment (such as MAC Neon pink) or use my Halloween hair spray to colour it. I've also heard that coloured chalk works like a charm, or you can always use clip-in inserts/coloured hair extensions...

If you are wanting something semi-permanent, you can try the line of fun colours from Manic Panic (which are sold at places like the Rock Shop on Granville or Hot Topic in the US). For permanent colour, go to a pro. In Vancouver, I highly recommend Award-Winning hairstylist Ala Friesen (at Space Salon) who I had the pleasure of working with for Aroha Silhouettes. She actually had the most amazing pink hair herself! 

If you would like to give any of these options a try, here's some inspiration to get you going:


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